o Minimum 15 Years of Experience in BFS Data Modeling Taxonomy o Define and Create Enterprise Information Reference Architecture and Enterprise Controlled Vocabulary o Common language to describe data and metadata landscape in business line region and system agnostic language Enterprise Data Concepts Controlled Vocabulary EDC CV Qualifiers CV Enterprise Business Ontology EBO and Enterprise Business Glossary EBG o MagicDraw and Cameo Conceptual Modeler CCM Experience for Information Modeling o Protg Experience for world view o Define EDC Governance o The common language should enable for its data architecture to enable Business Data Technology and Risk Transformations o Common Language Act as foundation capabilities enabling sustainable and scalable cross organizational reporting and analytics as well as ensure seamless system integration and interoperability o Expected Deliverables are Controlled Vocabulary Taxonomy Term Data Elements o Experience in Data Analytics Platform Governance for BFS Includes Regulatory Risk Management Compliance Data Controls